Friday, October 24, 2008

Iron Man

Finally bought the DVD and it was every bit as good as seeing it in the theater. In fact, I got so caught up watching the extras, I almost missed getting my daily post in on

And I am also behind on my coloring for Unleashed Press and still need to get content in to

I need more hours in the day...or at least to be better able to prioritize my time.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Inspiration is a funny old thing. Sometimes you have tons and no energy to pursue it. Sometimes you have the energy but not enough inspiration.

Right now I don't have enough of either.

And need some.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

They got me workin' workin' day and night

I'm taking a lot more onto my plate to help out a friend and I want to do it all well. I just hope I can keep it all up in the air and to a quality it deserves.

Time will tell.